Inua encourages its employees and stakeholders to raise genuine whistleblowing concerns promptly and
ascertains to them that it will assess all disclosures appropriately, consistently, fairly and professionally.
Any person who is adversely affected in any way can lodge a compliant, preferably in English, to Inua
Impact Fund via the following three mechanisms:
Ideally, any grievance or complaint, for speed and ease of response, should contain the name and contact information of the complainant, and – if on another’s behalf – on whose behalf the complaint is made.
It would also be helpful to include any steps that have been taken to resolve the complaint.
Inua strongly encourages all complainants to do so on a named basis as anonymous disclosures are more difficult to investigate and address, and it is impossible to provide feedback.
Inua Impact Fund and Inua Capital will endeavour to ensure that the identity of any person making a disclosure or concern is kept confidential and only disclosed on a need-to-know basis. Papers relating to a protected disclosure will be held in a manner consistent with their confidential nature.
With this being said, it is clear that some complainants may seek to remain anonymous in fear of retribution or victimisation – in spite of our commitment to deal with victimisation, we understand that this is a genuine fear and therefore will process with equal urgency and to the best of our ability any anonymous complaints or grievances submitted.
Any person who believes that they have been subject to interference, threats, reprisals, retaliation, coercion, intimidation or victimisation of any kind because they have raised a concern under this reporting mechanism should inform the ESG referent and/or the Managing Director immediately.
Inua Impact Fund takes victimisation very seriously, and commits to initiating disciplinary proceedings, up to and including dismissal, against any Inua employee who has been proven to victimize or retaliate against a whistleblower within the organization.